Check-in at 5:00 PM. Game starts at 5:30 PM sharp!
Get ready for an exciting evening of competitive chess at CityView. Limited space available – sign up early to secure your spot! Stick around after the tournament for social chess and casual games.
U2200 Section (USCF-rated) - G/10; d1
Tournament Director (TD): Allan Joseph Ong
USCF Membership Requirement: Must have a current USCF ID to participate.
Tournament Format: 6 rounds of G/10; d1 (10 minutes per player with a 1-second delay), with breaks between rounds.
Entry Fee: $15, payable at registration.
Prize: $45 Cash Prize - winner takes all
Limited Space: 14 players – register now!
Tie break systems:
Modified Median
Head-to-Head Result; G5;2
Unrated Section:
No USCF membership required
Entry Fee: $5, payable at registration.
Maximum 6 players - register now!
Thank you for supporting Blitz and Blunders!
By entering the tournament, permission is granted to the organizers to use photos for publicity and news on the internet, newspapers, and promotional materials. Participants assume all risks associated with over-the-board tournaments.